4 Awesome Guides To Keep With You On Any Trip
These are just a few of the travel books we enjoy taking with us on our trips or reviewing when creating our itineraries. These books are packed full of information and will help guide you to explore places you’ve never been or maybe rediscover places you have already seen, but missed some of their hidden surprises.
National Geographic Secrets of the National Parks
The majority of national park visitors often stick to the most celebrated trails and scenic overlooks, missing a whole world of stunning scenery in the process. Informed by park rangers, superintendents, and frequent park visitors, National Geographic Secrets of the National Parks provides all the inspiration and information you need to plan your visit beyond the well-trodden, touristy spots in these 32 great national parks. Stunning photographs, informative sidebars, and easy-to-use maps will help make your next national park adventure memorable. You can see more and purchase here National Geographic
Let’s Go See All 50, Visiting the 50 State Journal
This is the coolest journal. While I do travel to the same states often, I always try to write down just a few of a the highlights from each trip in this journal. This journal maps out your story simply by asking you to fill in the blanks on the front page for each state and adding your own notes with the additional pages. Included on each page is the date you visited, With whom did you go, places you visited, etc. You can check out the pages and purchase here 50 States Journal
Falcon’s Hiking Guides
Time to lace up your boots and hit the trail and with these guides you can’t go wrong. Depending on the state and how much hiking you plan on doing, these books are great. This guide gives you the greatest hiking adventures in every state. Features include: Hikes suited to every ability, detailed directions, elevation profiles, difficulty rating, and much more. There are full-color photos and full-color GPS-compatible maps of each trail. You have to purchase state or park specific. You can check out the Yellowstone guide here Hiking
DK Eyewitness Travel Guides
This guide is about as detailed as you can get. Just about any guide from DK Eyewitness is wonderful to have in your backpack while travelling anywhere. There are detailed itineraries, maps marked with local sights, guided walking tours, and so much more. Not to mention, most of their pages are color, which is so nice. There are tons of guides for every place you go. You can purchase the one for USA travel here DK Eyewitness Travel Guide
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