Unlocking Freedom: The 8 Unbeatable Perks of the Work-From-Home Lifestyle
Working from home used to be a privilege limited to a select few, but recent events have rapidly transformed it into a new standard. Today, I’d like to highlight several advantages I’ve come to appreciate about remote work, in the hope that if the opportunity arises, you’ll consider giving it a try.
My top motivation for working from home is the complete absence of a commute. Residing in the suburbs while working in the city, I used to contend with the notoriously heavy traffic, compounded by the chaotic driving habits of my fellow commuters. Honestly, looking back, I can’t fathom how I endured that daily grind.
My productivity has seen a significant boost since transitioning to remote work. The reduced number of distractions during my workday has played a crucial role in this improvement. As Franklin Covey wisely noted, “If you are distracted from a task, on average, it takes you 23 minutes to get back on task!” Imagine the cumulative impact of 23 minutes for each of those distractions! If you have trouble eliminating distractions make sure to check out 5 Quick Tips to Stay Focused While Working From Home.
Another fantastic perk is the flexibility I enjoy. I’m grateful that my company grants me the freedom to adjust my work hours. As an early riser, I prefer to start my day bright and early, which allows me to finish my tasks sooner. This arrangement enables me to complete my work efficiently while leaving my afternoons free for leisure. It’s truly a wonderful arrangement.
Our family is experiencing significant monthly savings of nearly $400, solely on gas expenses. Additionally, our auto insurance premiums have decreased due to reduced car usage (it’s advisable to consult your provider to explore this possibility). It’s worth noting that people, on average, could save between $2,000 and $6,500 annually by eliminating expenses such as gasoline and daycare. This calculation excludes the cost of dining out for lunch during the workweek. Americans typically spend an average of $53 per week, totaling $2,746 per year on lunch alone! That’s enough to fund a small vacation!
The stark reality is that communal spaces carry a higher risk of illness transmission. Shared spaces, which used to be commonplace, have now become a thing of the past, and regrettably, this is our current reality. The future remains uncertain regarding when communal areas will no longer necessitate masks and social distancing. Embracing remote work can provide a substantial sense of security in this regard. By not having to share spaces with co-workers, we add yet another layer of protection to our overall well-being.
Job Satisfaction
Research has consistently demonstrated that individuals who work remotely tend to report higher job satisfaction. Furthermore, they exhibit an increased likelihood of remaining in roles that grant them the flexibility to work remotely, either partially or entirely. Global Workplace Analytics has anticipated a shift towards a “happy medium,” wherein employees divide their time between remote work and on-site presence. The underlying aspiration is that the pandemic has illustrated to managers that employees can be entrusted to fulfill their responsibilities without continuous oversight.
Health & Fitness
Since embarking on my remote role, I’ve experienced a significant improvement in my well-being. The elimination of the need to wake up two hours before work has afforded me precious extra hours of rest. Additionally, I’ve been able to allocate more time to prioritize my health and fitness. The ability to take short walks multiple times a day has proven to be a delightful advantage, which is often not feasible in traditional office environments.
Time with Family (& my pups)
I have enjoyed being able to see my daughter every day (she works from home too). It has been amazing. It’s been nice to see what a few extra hours in a day can do to make you feel happier and more fulfilled.
Not everyone is suited for remote work, but I hope these tips encourage you to give it a try.
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