Dorm Décor Delight: 7 Ways to Personalize Your Space and Make It Feel Like Home
We all know that going away to college and leaving home for the first time can be difficult and at times, sad. It can be challenging to make a completely new space feel familiar. We have a few tips to offer you to make your space feel a little more like home.
Bring your favorite blanket
Sometimes bringing something as simple as a blanket can make you feel the warmth of home, literally 🙂 It will not only smell like home, but the feel of it can remind you of the times you were snuggled up on the couch for family movie night. My favorite blanket ever is the Cotton Woven Blanket by Vellux I got on Amazon!
Pack your favorite photos
Seeing a familiar frame or picture can help with adjusting to this new chapter of your life. It can be a constant reminder of the people back home who love you and are rooting for you.
Bring a scented candle
They say a smell can bring back a thousand memories! If you are going to school out-of-state they even have Homesick Scented Candles that smell like your home state! I know, you can’t have candles in a dorm that’s why I recommend getting a candle warmer.
Keep it tidy
Anytime a space is clean, it always seems to feel cozier. If your dorm is messy, you are going to feel cluttered and overwhelmed. Make it easy on yourself and when you get something out, always put it away when your done.
Decorate the walls
I know many colleges, actually all of them, don’t allow nails to be used in the dorms. However, most of them allow command strips and those can hold just about anything. Spruce up those vanilla colored walls with some colors that makes you feel happy or inspired. I love these World Wall Card Prints to really give you some color and inspiration or these Inspirational Wall Art-Inkblots.
Add a rug
Dorms can feel so cold with the standard office style carpet or tile that come with them. Pick out a rug that goes along with your dorm theme and add it to the mix. It will liven up the room and make it 10 times more cozy. I love the nuLOOM Shag Area Rug from Amazon. It goes with anything and will be just what your feet need after walking to class all day.
Light it up
Add a lamp! Those drop ceiling lights can make anyone feel down. I love this Shelf Floor Lamp because it is a multipurpose piece. If you aren’t into those, I LOVE this Rivet Marble Lamp
See, it’s not too difficult finding ways to make your dorm feel like home. Most likely when you add these things to your room, you will love it even more!
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