Ring in the New Year Lighter and Brighter: 7 Surprising Things You MUST Declutter Now!
This year has been a lot to take in. With that being said, it has made me feel slightly unproductive. I didn’t want to be too hard on myself so I decided to find 7 things to declutter before the New Year.
I am guilty of holding on to jewelry I never wear simply for the day I may actually need some yellow tassel earrings. If I had not reached for it within the last year, it went into the donation bin.
Note: I do not suggest getting rid of any heirlooms you may regret in the future.
Oh my goodness at the vitamins I had been letting live rent-free in my cabinet. There were a few I tossed because they made me sick and some I tossed because I never took them. The waste came when I bought them and I learned my lesson for the future.
There are so many spices in my cabinet I have never used and they are taking up much-needed space. After quarantine and all of the cooking I have been doing at home, if they went unused I know I won’t be using them any time soon so they were out.
Night Stand
This one is hard for me. I keep so many things in my nightstand that are a part of my bedtime routine but they do not belong there. Make sure everything is where it needs to be and keep the bare minimum in your drawer.
Small Appliances
How many times have you used that mini waffle maker? If your answer is not often, it is providing more clutter than it is beneficial. I decided to get rid of any appliance I didn’t use at least once over the last 2-3 months. One thing I will never get rid of is my Instant Pot. I use it at least once a week.
Decluttering clothes can be tricky and requires a little bit of a deeper dive but for today I used the 12-month rule. If you haven’t worn it in the last 12 months, let it go. The chances of you wearing something you haven’t worn in the last year are slim to none.
Check out our other post on home organization here: Simplifying Your Life, Transform Your Workspace
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